Key Topics: social problem solving, self-reflection, social emotional comptencies

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Instructor: Michelle Garcia Winner (Disclosure)
Instructor and Q&A Moderator:
Dr. Pamela Crooke (Disclosure)

90 minutes of instruction

This course explores:
  • Factors that have increasingly impacted concentration and focus in over the past decades

  • Strategies found and defined in the acronym: F.O.C.U.S

  • The relationship between focus and executive functioning


1.5 hours toward CE credit, available for select professionals.

For any special accommodations please email us.

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Concentration & Focus Disruption in the Digital Age & What to Do About It

How Digital Technology Impacts Our Focus and Concentration and What We Can Do About It

The way most of us concentrate and focus our attention on things that matter has undergone a dramatic disruption in the past two decades. While what we need to do can be enhanced by technology, there are potentially even more digital factors that get in the way of meeting one’s academic, employment, and/or social goals. In this course, we will use a developmental lens as we introduce strategies to help students problem solve and self-evaluate how they set goals, make plans, and stay on task to foster executive functioning, while simultaneously and constantly being distracted by digital tools such as screens, phones, and watches. We’ll also take a deeper look at the latest research related to concentration and focus. The 90-day Recorded Replay Access begins at the time of Registration.

Registration Includes 90-Day Recorded Replay Access

Attendee Registration
Register each attendee individually—access is for ONE person only, not to be shared. CEs available for select professions.
Access for 5 or more. CEs available for select professions.
14% Discount
Intended to help people using the information in their personal lives. CEs not available.
14% Discount

Related Resources to Support the Social Thinking Methodology Taught in This Online Training

Free Articles

Social Thinking is proud to provide an extensive collection of free articles devoted to helping individuals build stronger social awareness and social functioning using the Social Thinking Methodology.