Key Topics: Executive Functioning Strategies, Organizational Skills, Getting Things Done

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Executive Functioning

Instructor: Michelle Garcia Winner (Disclosure)

5 hours of instruction

This course explores:
  • Defining the developmental nature of executive functions

  • Exploring the scope and sequence of organizational tasks: differentiating static organizational from dynamic organizational skills

  • Organizational skills for homework and classwork start with organized thinking

  • Goals vs, Action Plans

  • Practical strategies to explore motivation for complex tasks

  • The role of time prediction, prioritizing workload, and tracking multiple assignments simultaneously.

  • How perspective taking is part of the organized thinking process

  • Q&A featuring common questions from educators, therapists, and caregivers.


5 hours of CE credit available for select professionals.

For any special accommodations please email us.

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Fostering the Development of Executive Functions

How Do Students Get Things Done

This course explores the role of executive functions across school and home environments. We explain strategies for tackling motivation, time prediction, prioritizing workload, and tracking multiple assignments simultaneously. We review key executive functioning skills and practical metacognitively based strategies to help individuals track and tackle homework and other deadline-based responsibilities. The 90-day Recorded Replay Access begins at the time of Registration.

Registration Includes 90-Day Recorded Replay Access

Attendee Registration
Register each attendee individually—access is for ONE person only, not to be shared. CEs available for select professions.
Access for 5 or more. CEs available for select professions.
14% Discount
Intended to help people using the information in their personal lives. CEs not available.
14% Discount

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